Exams for Students from Other Colleges
Dutchess Community College serves the needs of the community by administering tests for other colleges/institutions.
Instructor Contact
Students wishing to take advantage of this service should email DCCProctor@sunydutchess.edu and students should inform their instructor/program coordinator of their interest in using DCC to proctor their exam so the test and necessary information can be sent to DCC’s Testing Center.
Please schedule an exam by clicking on the link under “Learn More” for the location which applies to you. Most exams are administered remotely unless otherwise required.
On-Campus in Poughkeepsie
Use this form to request an on-campus appointment in Poughkeepsie.
Appointments are required for all remote tests. Appointments must be scheduled a minimum of two days (48 hours) prior to the desired test date. Appointments are in 90-minute blocks of time. If more time is needed for a test, students should book consecutive appointments. Students will need access to a computer that has a web camera and a microphone to take a test remotely (online). Valid photo ID is also required.
Students must pay a $35 test proctoring fee, which can be done by clicking on the “Pay Test Proctoring Fee” button below. Please bring proof of payment to the Testing Center on the date of testing.
Photo ID required for testing.
Learn More
Contact Us
Testing Center
104 Orcutt Student Services Center
Office Hours: M-Th: 9 a.m. - 9 p.m.; F: 9 a.m - 5 p.m.
Phone: (845) 790-3733
Email: dccproctor@sunydutchess.edu
53 Pendell Road
Poughkeepsie, NY 12601