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Credit for Prior Learning

Graduation may be closer than you think! At DCC, we recognize the value of learning that happens outside the classroom — and we have a process to help you get credit.

Earn Credit for What You Already Know

There are many different ways to learn. Perhaps you've completed professional development training, done a lot of volunteer work, been in the military or attended a previous college or technical school. As a degree- or certificate-seeking (matriculated) DCC student, you may be eligible to receive proficiency credit that can help you earn your certificate or degree sooner!

What is Credit for Prior Learning?

Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) — also referred to as Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) — is the process DCC uses to evaluate and formally recognize college-level knowledge and skills gained outside of formal higher education. You may qualify for CPL if you've acquired substantive knowledge from work and life experiences. Credits granted in this manner are called proficiency credits, which will show on your transcript as a J grade and can be used to satisfy graduation requirements. 

Consider CPL if you:

  • have extensive work, volunteer or military experience
  • hold current certifications, licenses or industry credentials, or
  • have completed professional training programs

Sounds Like Me! What's Next?

CPL Process

  1. First things first. You must matriculate. To be eligible for CPL, you'll need to apply for admission and be accepted into a DCC certificate or degree program. 

  2. Once you've confirmed you are matriculated into a degree or certificate program at DCC, you can set up a meeting with our Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) Coordinator who will walk you through the process.

  3. When you meet with the PLA Coordinator, you'll select one of the CPL Pathways below and submit any necessary documentation or complete an examination. 

  4. After you submit your CPL petition fee ($30/credit*), a faculty member will review your submission.

  5. You will either be granted proficiency credit(s), which will appear on your transcript, or you will be given constructive feedback and help figuring out next steps. If you are granted proficiency credit(s), you will pay the remaining tuition balance ($39/credit).


CPL Petition Fee*

$30 / credit

Assessment Fee **

$39 / credit


$69 / credit

*CPL petition fee is non-refundable 
**Assessment fee payable upon award of credit

More Information

CPL Pathways

DCC currently offers 4 pathways to earn proficiency credit through CPL. You'll work with our Prior Learning Assessment Coordinator who'll help you determine your CPL pathway(s) and the documents you'll need to submit.

Demonstrate your experience and familiarity with the material covered in a particular course by building an e-Portfolio documenting your work.

The following courses are currently approved for student petition:

Chemical Dependency Counseling (CDC)
CDC 103 - Chemical Dependency Counseling Practicum I (2 cr.)
CDC 104 - Chemical Dependency Counseling Practicum II (2 cr.)

Child Care (CHC)
CHC 103 -  Child Care and Youth Practicum I (2 cr.)
CHC 104 - Child Care and Youth Practicum II (2 cr.)

Mental Health Assistant (CMH)
CMH 103 - Community Mental Health Practicum I (2 cr.)
CMH 104 - Community Mental Health Practicum II (2 cr.)

Early Childhood Education (EED)
EED 116 - EED Fieldwork (1 cr.)
EED 103 - Early Childhood/Childhood Observations (1 cr.)

If you don't see your course listed, speak to our Prior Learning Assessment Coordinator to submit a request.


The learning outcomes of certain DCC classes align with certain professional development programs and trainings offered by employers, professional associations, community-based organizations or the military. If you have a current/and or valid industry certification or license, it may translate to proficiency credit at DCC.

License/Certification Granting Agency DCC Class
CompTIA A+ Certification The Computing Technology Industry Association CIS 111 - Computer Systems and Applications
Child Development Associate (CDA) National Association for the Education of Young Children or the Council for Professional Recognition

ECH 102 - Introductory Seminar: Programs for Young Children

ECH 108 - Practicum I

ECH 111 - Curriculum Activities for Young Children

ECH 205 - Early Childhood Practicum II


Direct Support Professional Certification (DSP-1) The National Alliance for Direct Support Professionals BHS 110 - Introduction to Human Services
Emergency Medical Technician - Paramedic New York State Department of Health, Bureau of Emergency Medical Services EMB 101 - Emergency Medical Technician - Clinical (2 cr.)
Emergency Medical Technician - Basic New York State Department of Health, Bureau of Emergency Medical Services  EMB 105 - Emergency Medical Technician (6 cr.)
Certified First Responder, Emergency Medical Responder New York State Department of Health, Bureau of Emergency Medical Services  HED 134 - First Aid, CPR (3 cr.)
Emergency Medical Technician New York State Department of Health, Bureau of Emergency Medical Services HED 134 - First Aid, CPR (3 cr.)
Phlebotomy Technician Certification (PBT) American Society of Clinical Pathologists (ASCP) PDC 101 - Basic Concepts of Phlebotomy (4 cr.)
Phlebotomy Technician Certification (NCPT) National Center for Competency Testing (NCCT) PDC 101 - Basic Concepts of Phlebotomy (4 cr.)
Current state phlebotomy license The State of California, Louisiana, Nevada or Washington PDC 101 - Basic Concepts of Phlebotomy (4 cr.)
Correction Officer Recruit Training Program New York State Department of Corrections and Community Supervision

4 Criminal Justice classes (12 cr.):

  • CRJ 101 - Introduction to Security Administration (3 cr.)
  • CRJ 103 - The Corrections Process (3 cr.)
  • CRJ 107 - Communication and the CRJ Process (3 cr.)
  • CRJ 141 - Introduction to Criminal Justice (3 cr.)

If you don't see your license or certification listed, speak to our Prior Learning Assessment Coordinator to submit a request.


Does a course description or syllabus sound really familiar? Have you attended a few classes and realized you know all the material? A DCC faculty member may be able to determine that you're already proficient in a course, so you can progress more quickly through your program. 


Up for a challenge? If you've already mastered the material in a required class, you may be able to earn proficiency credit by achieving an acceptable score on a proficiency exam at the Testing Center.


Proficiency Articulation Agreements

If you've completed coursework or training at one of our partner institutions or organizations, you may be eligible to receive college credit toward your DCC certificate or degree. Below is a list of our current proficiency articulation agreements. Please note that credit is not guaranteed; contact our Prior Learning Assessment Coordinator to learn more.

Dutchess BOCES

BOCES Course

DCC Course



Construction Trades I & II

ARC 105


Architectural Technology, A.A.S. (ARC)
Construction Technology Management, A.A.S. (CNS)

Nursing Assistant

MSO 102


Phlebotomist, Certificate (PDC)

Early Childhood Education

ECH 999


Early Childhood, A.A.S. (ECH)

Graphic Design I and II

ART 140


Visual Arts - Transfer, A.S. (VAT)

Introduction to Health Occupations Program

PBH 101


Public Health A.S. (PBH)

Video/Film Production I and II

COM 101


Communications and Media Arts, A.S. (COM)

Security & Law I and II

CRJ 101 and CRJ 141


Criminal Justice - Public and Private Security, A.A.S. (CRJ)

Security & Law I and II

CRJ 141


Criminal Justice - Transfer, A.S. (CRT)

Construction Electricity

PHS 115


Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Technology, Certificate (ACR)

Cosmetology I and II

BUS 999


Business Management, A.A.S. (BUS)
Hospitality & Tourism, A.A.S. (HNT)

Esthetics I and II

BUS 999


Business Management, A.A.S. (BUS)
Hospitality & Tourism, A.A.S. (HNT)

Animal and Plant Science

BIO 999


Liberal Arts and Science, A.S. (LAX)

Culinary Arts

BUS 999


Hospitality and Tourism, A.A.S. (HNT)

Fashion & Merchandising

BUS 162


Business Management, A.A.S. (BUS)

Fashion & Merchandising

ART 148


Visual Arts, A.S. (VAT)


ACR 101 and ACR 102


Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Technology, Certificate (ACR)

Ulster BOCES
BOCES Course DCC Course Credits Major
Aviation Program AVI 101 and AVI 111 5 Pilot, A.S. (AVI)
Culinary Arts Program BUS 107 and BUS 999 6 Hospitality and Tourism, A.A.S. (HNT)
Carpentry Program ARC 105 3 Architectural Technology, A.A.S. (ARC)

Orange-Ulster BOCES
BOCES Course DCC Course Credits Major
Aviation Program AVI 111 1 Pilot, A.S. (AVI)
Aviation Program AVI 101 4 Pilot, A.S. (AVI)
Emergency Medical Services Program

EMB 105 or
HED 134

6  or
General Studies, A.S. (GSP)
Exercise Science & Personal Training Program WFE 101 and ESW 203 6 Exercise Science & Wellness, A.S. (GSP)

Putnam/Northern Westchester BOCES
BOCES Course DCC Course Credits Major
Cosmetology Program BUS 999 6 Business Management, A.A.S. (BUS)
Architecture/Engineering Program ARC 104 and ARC 113 2 Architectural Technology, A.A.S. (ARC)
Construction Technology Management, A.A.S. (CNS)
Child Development & Education I & II Program ECH 999 3 Early Childhood, A.A.S. (ECH)

Questar (Rensselaer-Columbia-Greene) BOCES
BOCES Course DCC Course Credits Major
Aviation Program AVI 101 and AVI 111 5 Pilot, A.S. (AVI)
Construction Technologies Program ARC 105 3 Architectural Technology, A.A.S. (ARC)
Construction Technology Management, A.A.S. (CNS)

Western Suffolk BOCES 
BOCES Course DCC Course Credits Major
Aircraft Drone Technology Program  AMT 109, AMT 110, AMT 111, AMT 112 and AMT 113 17 Airframe & Powerplant Technician, Certificate (APT)

Dutchess County Law Enforcement Academy
DCLEA Course DCC Course Credits Major
DCLEA Graduation Certification

CRJ 101, CRJ 107, CRJ 141, CRJ 206, CRJ 253, CRJ 265, WFE 101, BHS 262, SPE 101 and HED 134

30 Criminal Justice - Public and Private Security, A.A.S. (CRJ)
Criminal Justice - Transfer, A.S. (CRT)

Dutchess County Corrections Academy
DCCA Course DCC Course Credits Major
DCCA Corrections Academy Certification CRJ 101, CRJ 103, CRJ 107, CRJ 265, WFE 101, BHS 262, and HED 134 18 Criminal Justice - Public and Private Security, A.A.S. (CRJ)
Criminal Justice - Transfer, A.S. (CRT)

Arlington Central School District
Arlington High School Course DCC Course Credits Major
Accounting and/or Business Course ACC 101, ACC 204, BUS 102 and BUS 107 14 Business Management, A.A.S. (BUS)
Business Administration - Transfer, A.S. (BAT)
Early Childhood Education Course ECH 102 1 Early Childhood, A.A.S. (ECH)
Nutrition & Wellness Course BIO 122 3 Exercise Science & Wellness, A.S. (GSP)

East Syracuse Minoa Central High School
Arlington High School Course DCC Course Credits Major
Aviation Program AVI 101, AVI 111 5 Pilot, A.S. (AVI)

DAY ONE Early Learning Community
DAY ONE Early Learning Community Course DCC Course Credits Major
Teacher Apprenticeship Program ECH 111, ECH 108, ECH 205 8 Early Childhood, A.A.S. (ECH)


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Instruction & Learning

201 Bowne Hall
8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday

Phone: 845-431-8998

53 Pendell Road
Poughkeepsie, NY 12601