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Institutional Student Learning Outcomes (ISLOs)

DCC has identified the following skills as essential to our students’ learning and development. The College provides a range of curricular and cocurricular learning opportunities for students to acquire, develop and practice these skills. DCC faculty, staff and administration assess student achievement of these six Institutional Student Learning Outcomes (ISLOs) on an ongoing basis to ensure that our graduates are well-prepared for their academic and career endeavors:

  1. Oral Communication: Students will demonstrate oral communication skills in a clear and organized manner using appropriate verbal and nonverbal communication techniques with regard to subject, purpose and audience.
  2. Written Communication: Students will produce writing that is well organized, well developed and clear.
  3. Scientific Reasoning: Students will apply the scientific method, develop hypotheses, analyze results and draw conclusions.
  4. Quantitative Reasoning: Students will analyze quantitative material that may be presented in a variety of formats (words, tables, graphs, mathematical equations, etc.) from a wide array of contexts, interpret results, and communicate reasoned arguments supported by quantitative evidence.
  5. Information Literacy and Technological Competency: Students will be able to identify the need for more information, locate electronic media using appropriate technology including but not limited to the internet, evaluate the credibility of information thus obtained, use information effectively to accomplish a specific purpose, and properly use and cite sources of information.
  6. Critical Analysis and Reasoning: Students will formulate or evaluate arguments, problems or opinions and arrive at a solution, position or hypothesis based on carefully considered evidence.

Program Requirements

Students must satisfy the course requirements indicated in the program requirements that are in effect and listed in the academic year catalog at the time that they matriculate into the program. If a program is modified and students wish to follow the modified program requirements, they must rematriculate into the modified program for that academic year.