You Can Still Register!
Late-starting fall classes are filling fast but we still have some open seats – register now!
September 30 – December 14
AST 131: Solar System Astronomy
AST 132: Astronomy of Stars and Galaxies
BHS 103: Social Problems in Today’s World
BHS 110 Introduction to Human Services
BUS 102: Foundations of Business
BUS 107: Principles of Marketing
CLP 101: Career Exploration & Planning
DAN 109: Tap Dance
ECO 202: Macroeconomics
ENG 101: Composition I
ENG 102: Composition II
GSS 100: General Studies Seminar
GOV 121: The American National Experience
HED 201: Stress Management
HIS 103: History of the United States 1
HIS 104: History of the United States II
HIS 108: History of World Civilizations Since 1700
LAH 100: Liberal Arts/Humanities Intro Seminar
MAT 109: Survey of Mathematics
PSY 102: Interviewing & Counseling Skills
PSY 111: Intro to Psychology
PSY 206: Social Psychology
THE 110: How to Audition
THE 120: Performing Skills for the Classroom
October 23 - December 14
ART 140: Foundations of Graphic Design
BHS 103: Social Problems in Today's World
BUS 208: Small Business Management
NUR 107: Survey of Professional Nursing
THE 111: Theatre Production & Technology I
THE 112: Theatre Production & Technology II
THE 211: Theatre Production & Technology III
THE 212: Theatre Production & Technology IV
November 6 - December 14
PSY 203: Developmental Psychology