Writing Center
No matter the course or assignment, the Writing Center can help show you the effective writing strategies needed to succeed.
We also provide feedback on writing you might need to complete outside of the classroom, such as resumes, cover letters, and college application, transfer, and scholarship essays.
We offer both IN-PERSON and REMOTE writing assistance. Our friendly tutors will respond to your writing questions and concerns, suggest revisions, and provide constructive feedback, regardless of whether or not you’re on campus.
If you have any questions, please call (845) 431-8095 or send a message to writingcenter@sunydutchess.edu.
Tips from The Writing Center
Writing Tips from Dutchess Community College on Vimeo.
Contact Us

Writing Center @ Poughkeepsie, Hudson 503
Email: writingcenter@sunydutchess.edu
Phone: (845) 431-8095

DCC @ Fishkill, Room 206A
Email: writingcenter@sunydutchess.edu
Phone: (845) 790-3639